History of the Volkswagen Passat TS 1.6 (1976)

The 1976 Volkswagen Passat TS 1.6 is a classic from the German automaker that was a hit in the 70s. With its elegant design and aerodynamic lines, the Passat won over the public with its performance and comfort.

Details and Features

The 1976 Passat TS 1.6 was equipped with a 1.6-liter engine and 4-speed manual transmission. With an output of around 85 horsepower, the Passat offered good performance for the time. Its spacious and comfortable interior ensured a pleasant experience for driver and passengers.

Design and Style

With its elegant lines and timeless design, the 1976 Passat TS 1.6 drew attention wherever it went. Its classic and imposing style stood out among the other models of the time, making it a true icon.

Restoration and Conservation

The photos taken in November 2023 show an impeccably preserved and restored Passat TS 1.6. The care taken with the paintwork, the chrome details and the interior of the vehicle are evident, preserving the beauty and originality of this classic.

Passion for Old Cars

Lovers of vintage and classic cars can't help but admire the 1976 Volkswagen Passat TS 1.6. If you're part of this select group of enthusiasts, you'll certainly appreciate every detail of this well-maintained specimen over the years.


The 1976 Volkswagen Passat TS 1.6 is more than just an old car, it's a true symbol of an era of innovation and design. With its rich history and unmistakable style, the Passat continues to delight generations of classic car enthusiasts and collectors. A true masterpiece on wheels, worthy of admiration and respect.

Credits: Car Explorer

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