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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is fundamental to us. AutoiA is committed to respecting your privacy regarding any information we may collect on the AutoiA website, as well as other websites we own and operate.

We request personal information only when necessary to provide services, in a fair and legal manner, with your knowledge and consent. We clearly explain the reason for collection and how the information will be used.

The information collected is retained for as long as necessary to provide the requested service, and is adequately protected to prevent loss, theft or unauthorized access.

We do not share personally identifiable information publicly or with third parties except when required by law.

Our website may contain links to external websites not operated by us. We have no control over the content and practices of these sites and are not responsible for their privacy policies.

You are free to refuse to provide personal information, understanding that this may impact the availability of some services.

By continuing to use our website, we assume that you accept our privacy practices. If you have questions about the processing of user data, please contact us.

AutoiA Cookie Policy

What are cookies? As is common practice with almost all professional websites, the AutoiA website uses cookies, small files downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. Here we explain the information these cookies collect, how they are used and why we store these cookies. We also share how you can prevent the storage of these cookies, although this may affect certain site functionality.

How do we use cookies? Cookies are used for several reasons, as detailed below. In many cases, there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without compromising site functionality and features. We recommend keeping cookies enabled unless you are certain you need to disable them for a specific service.

Disable cookies You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting your browser settings (see your browser Help for instructions). However, disabling cookies may affect the functionality of this and other websites you visit. We recommend not disabling cookies.

Cookies we set

  • Account-related cookies: Used to manage the sign-up process and general account administration.
  • Login-related cookies: They memorize the login action, avoiding the need to log in with each new page visited.
  • Cookies related to email newsletters: Used for newsletter or email subscription services.
  • Site preferences cookies: They allow you to set website usage preferences for a personalized experience.

Third Party Cookies In some cases, we use cookies from trusted third parties. We detail below which third-party cookies you may encounter through the AutoiA website.

  • Google Analytics: Assists in understanding website usage to enhance user experience. For more information about Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
  • Third Party Analytics: Measure site usage for continuous improvements.
  • Google AdSense: Uses cookies to serve relevant ads and limit repetitive serving.

User Commitment

The user undertakes to use the content and information offered by AutoiA appropriately, refraining from illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order. This includes not publishing racist, xenophobic content, gambling, illegal pornography, support for terrorism or against human rights, as well as avoiding damage to AutoiA's physical and logical systems.

We hope this information is clear. If you have any doubts about the need for cookies, we recommend keeping them enabled when interacting with our website.

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